Friends of Nesbitt/Union Chapel, Inc.
A separately incorporated task force of The Cobb Land Trust Inc.

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Help Save the Union Chapel Ruins!

Yes, I am interested in joining Friends of Nesbitt/Union Chapel, Inc.

Donation Enclosed __________

Do you have family members connected to the Chapel? ________

Do you have information about or early photographs of the Chapel? _______







* includes membership in The Cobb Land Trust Inc.

Print this form and mail with your check to:

Taskforce Chairman

Susan Knight-Smith

2910 Robertswood Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127

Name ________________________________________________________

Gift in Memory/Honor of _____________________________________

Full Address ________________________________________________

City __________________________ State ____ Zip ______________

Phone(Home) ___________________ (Cell or Work)_______________

Email _________________________ FAX _________________________


I would like to be an active member of Friends.  Keep me informed of work days and worship services scheduled.


At this time, I would prefer to be inactive but want to support your work with a contribution.